Monday, 6 August 2012

magazines make my world go round

Living in London was dangerous for my bank balance, for numerous reasons like the sheer existence of H&M, Dorothy Perkins and GAP. But my inability to resist magazines was just as intense as my desire to enter any one of those stores.

My love for reading came from a young age; I always remember my Dad reading to me and encouraging me when we had reading homework from little kid school. Then my love of fashion came into force and so naturally, my love for magazines followed.

I studied for my degree in Writing, Fashion and Culture and as such "had" to read a whole plethora of amazing fashion textbooks [which my classmates weren't as pleased about] as well as a wide and varying range of magazines. At least this was my excuse for continually purchasing magazine after magazine.

To cut a long story short, since moving to Cyprus, where magazines are obviously priced on their weight or something because the prices are phenomenal, I have had to curb my craving and restrain myself. So when someone comes to visit, they must bring gifts in the form of our favourite publications.

And just when I was coming to end of my magazine stash, the boyfriends cousin just happens to be working a British Airways flight to Cyprus and all my magazine dreams are answered.

It was a good weekend.


  1. Yay for all the magazines! :) I have to admit that I am addicted to magazines too, it's bad. :)
    Glad you had a nice weekend with all your magazines!

  2. I feel the same - cannot resist a fashion mag! It's something I definitely need to reign in! I can add this to my reasons to live abroad list :)



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