Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Do you remember....

Do you remember that time I used to blog? Yes me too. 

I would religiously write content and edit images and barely a day went by without a blog post cropping up on this screen. Those days seem to be long gone. And I am almost ashamed to even open up the editing page on blogger. I feel like we're long lost friends; you know the ones you unintentionally loose contact with along the way and then try to resume a friendship many month or years later. 

I would read to my hearts content, sourcing inspiration at every turn whether it was other blogs, websites or books and pinterest was my best friend. However life has a funny way of pushing us off path.  Spending my days on social media as part of my job has somewhat made me eliminate it from my personal life. I love the digital world. But sometimes I feel like I am overdosing on it. 

Sometimes I stick my head in the clouds, because it's easier that way. But there comes a time when you have to get down from the clouds and re-enter the world. Now is that time.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Total Silence

The total silence that has pervaded this page over the last six months is rather inexcusable. Life throws up some pretty interesting obstacles along the way and assigning time to a creative outlet, at a time when my brain is any but creative, felt almost rude.

A lack lustre blog post is no ones friend. 

I didn't start blogging with the thought of it becoming a full time job and to rack up millions of followers, nor did I start because I like shouting about all the "amazing" things that we do. I started it because I love words, I love conversation and anyone who has met me in the flesh, spent any considerable time with me or is a work colleague who unfortunately shares an office space with me, will politely or not so politely tell you that I am rarely silent. And on a side-note the things we do are rarely "amazing" because despite what people think, expat life isn't all cocktails and staycations. 

But nevertheless, sharing everyday moments, the rare "amazing" moments and everything in between, with family and friends far away is important. And the blog allows me to have those conversations, albeit one sided. 

Sometimes you need to take those conversations offline and pick and choose what you share with the rest of the online world. And honestly, sometimes it's sheer disorganisation and crazy that means blogging gets thrown on the back burner. 

A lot has happened since February; visitors have been and gone, friends have departed Dubai, we have packed, moved and unpacked in a new apartment, celebrated birthdays, escaped to our happy place of Cyprus, made new friends, changed jobs and adopted a healthier lifestyle. 

There's a lot to catch up on!

Monday, 2 February 2015

New Year Mantra for 2015

Instead of resolutions, which lets be honest I never stick to anyway, I'm going to adopt a mantra for 2015. And since it is now the 2nd February, this seems like a good time to share it. 

#1 - Guard your time
Since it is almost February and I am only just getting around to writing this, you could say I am guarding my time well. I think I got too caught up in time in 2014 and worried about how much or how little was dedicated to a particular activity. 

#2 - Let kindness rule 
Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in emotions, become bitter, resentful and angry but those negative emotions never lead to anything good. A little bit of kindness goes a long way. 

#3 - Create good habits
This one I am taking on board in many ways. I need to up my fitness game and actually commit to a proper exercise routine instead of the wishy washy attempt at exercise I have been engaged in until now. I need to fix my eating habits in line with this too. Some days are good, some days are bad and most days, a chocolate brownie are included in my diet. Note to self, must maintain self control. For me good habits extend further than this and lead back to guarding my time, I need to find a work life balance and utilise time for good habits like reading and writing. 

#4 - Choose to focus on the good
Because the bad has a way of overpowering everything but in reality that is because we let it; we pander to the bad and stress and worry and it all too quickly becomes an overinflated version of what it originally was. And lets face it, there is always a little piece of good to cling on to, no matter what situation you are faced with. 

#5 - Start each day with goals 
Manage your daily expectations and start with a few achievable goals which can be managed and met throughout the day, no matter what gets thrown your way. Simple things like going to the gym, making a home cooked dinner or reading a chapter of that book can be easily ticked off the list and you will feel a sense of accomplishment rather than emptiness come bedtime. This is one I really need to work on!

Monday, 10 November 2014

Life versus Blogging

In the game of life versus blogging, life is definitely winning right now. You may have figured that out for yourself given the distinct lack of content on this blog for nearly a week!

But I am actually not going to apologise for that. There have been many times in the past that blog silence had me kicking myself but not this time because I am enjoying every moment of expat life in Dubai and I don't think that is something I should apologise for. Previously blogging was such a concern for me because it was something to focus my energy on and it was something to keep me sane during those lonely solo expat stages at the end of last year. But that's not the case anymore and life has become much more fulfilling since moving to Dubai.

Granted a large part of the life winning thing comes down to work. The #ripemarket in Dubai is now on its fifth week and spending my Friday mornings in Zabeel Park has been tiring yes, but exciting at the same time. I have met some fantastic people at the market and my eyes have been opened to the amazing small businesses that this city has to offer. On the surface this city is a plethora of shiny skyscrapers, soaring temperatures and commercial businesses overflowing from every mall. But dig a little deeper and you find a huge community of locally established, independent businesses with über talented people at their core. I think it is the hard work and dedication I witness every week from the team at Ripe and the amazing artisans who join us every Friday that have brought out my new found enthusiasm for life so to speak.

The Ripe market is about to return to Sharjah at the end of November and will be conquering Abu Dhabi for the first time next weekend so at the moment I am eating, breathing and sleeping all things markets. Life has been taken over by veggies but I don't care because it's the first time in my life that I wake up in the morning and cannot wait to get to work.

Somehow I am also managing to fit in several social engagements although that might explain the distinct lack of gym time recently right. I guess at the end of the day it comes down to juggling; juggling work, the dog, expat life and blogging and at the moment there are not enough hours in the day for everything so blogging has to take a backseat. Not because I don't have the motivation but because I don't have the time. And as a part time blogger and someone who does it because she loves writing rather than needs an income, I can't give it 100% so id rather stay silent.

But now I have found so many inspirational artists, jewellers and foodies I don't think I will be staying silent for much longer.

Monday, 22 September 2014

why I keep blogging

I'm not going to lie, blogging isn't easy. It is my hobby and my passion and I do it because I love to write, but that doesn't always mean it is easy. Sometimes, and I think us non-professional bloggers might feel this more than most, it feels like blogging is hassle. 

I have a full time job, house chores, a family and friends all of which I want to devote time to and sometimes, the blog has to come second of third or fourth down the list of priorities. But those days when I neglect the blog are the days when every day life becomes a bit too much and actually I need the blog more than ever, as my escape.

It is a little bit of a vicious cycle. 

Many people say why do you do it? That's a very good question since it draws no revenue and takes up a lot of time. But my answer is always because I love to write. Even if no one else reads what I write, just the simple act of sitting at my laptop and writing about stuff I have done, stuff I am passionate about or issues close to my heart is fulfilling. Some people read, some people do sports, some people bake. I blog. And when I get a comment and you realise that someone, somewhere is reading your words, a sense of excitement shivers over me. And aside from the comments, a whole host of amazing opportunities have come from with this blog.

I read an interesting post recently over on Media Marmalade: How to Juggle a Daily Blog & Full Time Career. Many of the things she discusses are always on my mind. I would never give up my job to blog full time but I want to dedicate a decent amount of time to developing my blog and growing my content and sometimes I feel lost about how to do this. Juggling a full time job and blogging daily just isn't that easy. 

If you ever feel overwhelmed by blogging, it is time to take a step back and re-group, plan, prioritise and make some to-do lists. She says it better than me, so go check out this post and this post. Sometimes reading the words of another blogger and realising your not the only one who struggles is the push you need to get back on the blogging horse. 

Friday, 30 May 2014

life's unexpected intrusions


Sometimes it is easy to let life get in the way of blogging. I started this year by saying I would get back to my blogging roots and only blog when I had something important to write.  But it is quite easy to let that mindset take over and I feel like I have become a little distant from the very thing that has kept me so motivated over the last year, the blog. 

Sometimes it is difficult finding the balance between life and other commitments such as blogging and while I said I wouldn't be so hard on myself I feel like I have gotten into lazy ways. I mean I am not working at the moment which means I have ample free time to plow into the blog, but I havent. Yes I have been organising and navigating several international moves for both me and my four legged friend, but still, I know deep down inside I have used that as an excuse. 

And it is even worse when I think about the sheer amount of things that have gone on since I returned to London, most of which have not graced the pages of my little online diary just yet. I think sometimes, translating what is going on in your life, onto the pages of your blog can be a little difficult. And sometimes I feel the things that are going on my life, down to the sense of emptiness I currently feel should be left behind the publish button. 

It was actually Vanisha from A Life Unstyled that made me realise I have a lot to say. Sometimes when you are in your own life, you cant see the importance of certain things, or that they could be translated into meaningful content for the blog. 

So while I have a little extra free time, before the madness of the next move begins in roughly two weeks time, I am going to busy behind the scenes, planning and prepping this blog and getting it back to its former, content rich, glory. 

Monday, 28 April 2014

writing in the real sense


I have talked about writing, why I write about what I do and how much to share (any bloggers inner demon), here and here. But writing is not just something that keeps me sane. It is a skill instilled into me from a young age and one that has so much attachment to my personality. Sure shopping, a cup of tea and girlie wine time also do the trick, but writing is a personal and individual thing that can sometimes feel like a sort of self-help, internal therapy. Writing this blog is a little bit of a personal passion and has in turn allowed me to make some wonderful blogger friends and have some work published along the way.

But I was writing well before the blog took over my life. Since I can remember, I wrote. As a kid I wrote, or at least tried to write stories and my mum actively encouraged us to write thank you notes to friends and relatives after birthdays and christmas. It was part and parcel of the present opening process; unwrap, sit in awe of unwrapped gift and write down the name of the giver. It was just the way it was done in our family because from a young age my parents taught us manners and to show gratitude and thanks to people.

You would think that with the abundance of instant communication tools out there, like email and facebook and whatsapp that my thank you note writing days were over. But you would be wrong. As I got older and friends moved countries and I moved countries, the letter writing seemed even more poignant. I say that because when you're trying to maintain long distance relationships with friends, it is easy to rely on technology and forgo personalised interaction. But I know myself that receiving a handwritten letter carries with it much more weight than an email ever could.

There are many reasons for this; the effort someone incurred to actually post the letter for a start because it is all to easy to tap away at a keyboard and then press send. But the personal touches like handwriting, scribbles and mistakes not to mention holding pieces of paper in your hand that the writer held in theres, really gives you a sense of connection with that person. I have never cried over a whatsapp message but I sure have over a letter. 

“It is so important, in a digital world, to have the dignity to sit down and write something in your own hand,” (Cristiano Magni, a New York fashion publicist,, april 2014). 

As an expat, sometimes friends and family may not feel involved in your life anymore as you flit between countries. Writing a letter that smells like the beach when it is opened, or sending a postcard of the view you're staring at as you write it helps the receiver feel that connection to your life. 

“Like a lot of people in my generation, I might think, ‘Oh, just send them a text,’ ” said Ms. Gelderman, who is 20. “But I actually enjoyed writing the notes because in the process of opening a note, feeling the paper, seeing the imperfection of the writing, reading the message in another person’s voice, you actually feel like you have a piece of that person in your hand.” (Carroll Irene Gelderman,, april 2014). 

Where did this post come from? This great article published a few weeks ago on the NY Times website which notes that handwritten letters are on trend and that recent scientific findings have linked gratitude to increased optimism, stress reduction and a better night’s sleep. 

Do you write the old fashioned way? If so, tips on where you stock on up stationary would be greatly appreciated, oh and I have thing about finding the perfect pen so suggestions welcome. 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

a little facelift

Do you get as restless with your blog design as I do? 

The more blogs I follow, fonts I find and designs I see, the more confused I get about the direction I want the aesthetics to go in. I love all things art, graphics, photography and design so I positively enjoy spending hours scrolling through webpages and pinterest for ideas. But that means my mind is a bit of a melting pot of ideas. 

Should I go more sleek and minimal. Or focus on the expat life and culture thing. And then there is lots of super cute designs with spots, banners and stripes but would they fit with my blog? I just don't know. 

For now, I decided that with a change in focus, environment and transient nature of my life, my blog needed something a little more sleek and compatible with my changing life. Im sure I will get restless with this new look soon and want to make tweaks and changes here and there. The beauty of this template, other than the fact it was super cheap, is that offer various designer services too so you can add all the elements your heart desires, at very reasonable prices.

As such there will probably be some more changes popping up here and there over the coming days as there lovely designers give my blog a little va va voom.

Please bear with me. 

Sunday, 13 October 2013

i'm a guest

Has travel changed me? When Kayleigh asked me to guest post on her blog and talk about how travel changed me I wasn't really sure what I was going to write. Whether you realise it or not, the culture or environment you live in affects you and your experiences in another country shape the person you are. 

Read more about how I think travel has changed me over at the way I wanderlust. 

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Budget Beauty

I am not a beauty blogger, but I know what products I like and what works for my skin/hair. I also know what products one needs when one is living in a hot climate. So today I am over at Touch of Belle, talking about budget beauty items that I cannot live without.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

falling back in love with twitter

Twitter is always the first social media format to fall off my radar when I get a bit lazy.
Why is that?
Honestly I don't know. The dog's expression kind of explains it all. 
Whenever I come back to it I remember why I loved it in the first place. 
Sometimes keeping up with what's going on in my feed is a bit of a challenge. 
And I could spend hours scrolling and scrolling. 
Maybe the addictive quality is what scares me. 
Sometimes you have to break free from social media..............
.....................and then come running back. 

Saturday, 24 August 2013

easy as A - B - C

*not to be confused with my long drawn out A - B - C series.*

Have you noticed that Thursday and Friday seem to be my blog weekend days? 

Saturday I come back to life and Sunday there is always a lot of activity here and on facebook etc. Maybe it has something to do with the culmination of a week of work and my brain just can't handle tap tap tapping away anymore. 

Which makes me realise that blogging, especially if it's your 2nd job/part-time interest alongside a full time job, can be a little challenging.

Recently I had a few great ladies contact me with different questions about blogging. I am going to be honest; I have been blogging for a while but have a relatively small (but loyal) readership and I generally write what I like so I feel in no way qualified to give blog advice. 

So I went in search of some tips and tricks of the trade (basically browsing all my favourite blogs for help with the whole blogging thing). 

My first stop was Jenni at Story of my Life; I love the way she blogs and her style because it's almost like your sitting at her kitchen table with a cup of coffee and a cookie, everytime you read her posts. And she has been blogging for a while and has a strong readership so know's what she is talking about. She has shared her wisdom here.

And then there is one of my all time favourite blogs, A Beautiful Mess. This is fantastic reading and the co-authors, Elsie and Emma always have great content. They regularly share their wisdom with the readers. My favourites are here, here and here.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

a little about the new look

There have been a few changes around here lately. 

I have had a facelift and the blog has a new sparkly design thanks to the lovely (and very patient) Sabrina. Seriously we must have exchanged about 100 emails because I am such a nightmare! But I am so thrilled with my new layout and design. 

There are still a few tweaks to be made like the sub pages, but I will get there in the end I promise. 

In the meantime you can visit Sabrina here for more of her design work. 

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

a fresh face

Things are changing round here. 

Yep I got restless with my current look and decided to mix things up a little. I found a wonderful blogger who offers her design services at a super reasonable rate and she probably the kindest, most patient person in the world! But more about her later. 

All that's left to be said is please excuse us if we look a little shabby round these parts over the next few days. The blog will be in transformation stages so there will be fewer posts and a bit of mess but that should all be cleared up by the weekend. 

And then I can get onto the exciting stuff, like sharing some great recipes and bragging about my upcoming staycation. Oh and the small matter of the boyfriend re-appearing for a two week trip (hence the staycation) which I may or may not be totally mind blowingly excited about. yes thats a word. 

Monday, 1 July 2013

blogging blackout

I didn't mean to disappear. 
I've been a bad blogger. 

The days ran away with me. 
The sun seems endless and the weeks have blurred into one. 
The pool is my new best friend. 
And this little lady spends her days sleeping under my bed - the only cold place in the apartment. 

Forgive me. 
Fresh start for a new week. Sunday night wine-tails (half wine/half cocktail) seemed to put us all in a merry mood for Monday. And it's the first of July. Maybe I will try a little blog everyday in July (reminiscent of the success of May). Don't hold me to it though just in-case I fail miserably.